The Game of Dark light

Darklight is a story about two men who’s destiny’s affect the hopes of the world Eze and his gang are secretly working for a dangerous terrorist group unknown to them as the XIX,  they were responsible for various crimes disturbing the peace of the city but one man tries to counter this terrorist, Fred a detective who’s undying zeal to hunt down this criminals becomes his sole mission is being faced with so many challenges and dramas in his marital and social life. Due to the distraction surrounding his marriage his wife Elizabeth (Lizzy) finds love in the sights of Eze who’s true identity is unknown to people. Lizzy’s best friend Naomi who has a longtime crush on Fred took advantage of the marriage insecurity and had her way with Fred.
The drama continues as a religious campaign of the end time seemed to thrill the city.
Eze and his gang Dera, Tosin and Deon were on a final mission but this time around were caught,  only Eze was caught and arrested ready to be executed not knowing the real enemy was the XIX which planned on bringing destruction to the whole of Nigeria with a  simple click. Only Eze can stop them but without  the help of Fred, Eze can't stop them . they both can save the city and the world….
